-Journey to Italy -
This retreat is for the soul.
A journey to be sought with others near the all saints day!
**We are currently updating this retreat**
This retreat is for the soul.
We have decided to change the theme of this retreat and allow for a more fluid concept.
Here is what our price comes with:
5 days and 4 nights accommodation
Dinner (With selected wine)
Yoga twice a day:
Hatha Yoga
Yoga Nidra
Restorative Yoga
Buti Yoga
Plus Daily Meditation
Free pass for all beach activities and amenities offered by the resort including:
Personal Umbrella – 2 chairs
Creative Shakti & Shiva Workshop
Cacao Workshop
Fire Ceremony
Transportation to and from airport Fiumicino
One unique tour to an antique town.
First and foremost when we host retreats we take pride in connecting with the local people and knowing who we are supporting in every community we are in! This retreat is coming together with the our Divine Global People & Divine Women of Bocas group as Venus has been practicing yoga and supporting this community for over 10 years!

Where are we staying?

26th Arrive
Welcome Hatha Yoga 30min*~*~*Yoga Nidra 30 min
6:30am Hatha/Nidra 30min
7:30am Hatha/Yin 30min Nidra
7:30-9:30 Breakfast
*Walk to town* Shop* Be Merry
12-2pm lunch Gran Hotel Berti
3 Beach * Socialize * Hang
5pm Yin Yoga / Yoga Nidra
8pm - 10pm Dinner Gran Berti Hotel
6:30am Yin/Nidra 30min each
7:30am Yin/Nidra 30min
7:30-9:30 Breakfast
11 Journey to Atri City
12-2pm lunch Atri City
5pm Yin Yoga / Yoga Nidra
8pm - 10pm Dinner Gran Berti Hotel
6:30am Buti *Shakti/Shiva* Yoga / Yoga Nidra
7:30am Buti *Shakti/Shiva* Yoga / Yoga Nidra
7:30-9:30 Breakfast
12-2pm lunch Gran Hotel Berti
2 Buti Beach
5pm Pescara - Night Out - Dinner
6:30am Restorative
7:30am Restorative
7:30-9:30 Breakfast
12-2pm lunch Gran Hotel Berti
3 Beach * Socialize * Hang
5pm Yoga Nidra
7pm Cacao Ceremony
8pm Fire Lantern Journey Lighting
8pm - 10pm Dinner Gran Berti Hotel
Single Private $1500
Shared $1000
Private Suite $2000
Per Person add on for suite up to 3: $600
Your Hosts:
Yoga Nidra Goddess

Travel Yoga Queen

Venus is the yoga nidra guide & one of the Divine Women's circle leaders in Bocas Del Toro, Panama.
Leah Bess Murray leads retreats and festivals in the United States and Central America.
Venus and Leah are coming from the Surf & Yoga Festival in Bocas Del Toro, Panama where they have developed the sacred women circle together.
This is their first exploration into Europe together but Venus has been traveling to the Berti Hotels for 10+ years and is like a local....
Questo ritiro è per l'anima.
Un viaggio da cercare dentro.
Stai cercando di crescere nella tua pratica yoga in un posto meraviglioso con cibo straordinario? Non cercare oltre, questo viaggio è per te! Vuoi venire ma devi portare anche la famiglia? Assicurati di contattarci con le tue informazioni. Il Gran Hotel Berti può ospitare contemporaneamente il nostro ritiro e la tua famiglia.
Ecco cosa viene fornito con il nostro prezzo:
Soggiorno di 5 giorni e 4 notti nell'Hotel Berti a cinque stelle
Cibo di classe mondiale dalla regione Abruzzo
Prima colazione
Cena (includendo bevande)
Yoga due volte al giorno:
Hatha Yoga
Yoga Nidra
Yoga riparatore
Buti Yoga
meditazione quotidiana
Pass gratuito per tutte le attività in spiaggia e i servizi offerti dal resort tra cui:
Ombrello personale - 2 sedie per camera
Laboratorio creativo di Shakti e Shiva
Laboratorio di cacao
Cerimonia del fuoco
Trasporto da (se arrivate il 26-27 luglio) e per l'aeroporto di Fiumicino
Un tour unico in una città antica.
Stai pensando di portare i tuoi figli? Nessun problema! I bambini sotto i 13 anni sono gratuiti e riceverai la tessera del club per bambini.
Cerchi un'esperienza VIP?
$ 2000
Suite privata - 4 posti letto
Balcone privato
Bar privato
Sessione di regressione della vita passata
Lettura delle carte dei tarocchi
Viaggio privato Nidra
Sessione privata di yoga a scelta (Buti, Hatha, Yin, Restorative, Vinyasa)