Yoga Teacher Training Journey Plans & Schedule of Events
You can pay as you go or commit fully upfront!

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Cada mes
+USD 50 Credit Card Fee
Válido por 6 meses

100 Hour Asana Training
Cada mes
Válido por 6 meses
Choose your Teacher Training Payment Plans
Elige el que más te convenga
Cargando los días...
Cargando los días...
322 dólares estadounidenses

Schedule Starting Date:
Friday 3-5pm Zoom
6:30 Hot Yoga at Nueces
6:30 - 10am Studio Be or Beach
10:30 - Noon Bubbles & Flow
6:30am - 11:30am Studio Be
1-5pm Studio Be
1st Weekend:
October 4th - 6th
Friday Zoom or Nueces Brewery
5:30pm - 8pm
5:30-6:30 Live Zoom Q & A
6:30-8 Hot Yoga
Social Media & YouTube
Zoom Introduction
Schedules & Program
Ayurvedic Health Program Schedule
Saturday Sound Waves & Yoga
6:30am at Beach - 10am
History of Yoga
10:30am Bubbles & Flow
11:45-2 Break
2pm - 6:30pm Studio Be
Deep Dive Share
History of our Yogic Lineage & Yoga
Types of Yoga
Sunday Studio Be
8:30am - 10am Restorative Yoga
10-12 Restorative Break Down
Noon Break
1-6:30pm Asana - Asana - Asana
2nd Weekend:
October 18th - 20th
Nervous System
3rd Weekend:
November 8th-10th
Spirituality & Theory & Yogic History
4th Weekend:
November 22-24th
5th Weekend:
November 29th - December 2nd
Guthrie, Oklahoma Early November
*Steam Punk Christmas Retreat*
6th Weekend:
December 13-15th Online
7th Weekend:
Panama Retreat *Optional*
December 28th-January 2nd
International Retreat Training
8th Weekend:
January 10th - 16th
International Retreat Training II
+ At Home Training
9th Week:
January 24th-26th
10th Week:
February 7th - 9th
11th Week:
Feb 21-23rd
Frio River Retreat Required
12th Week:
March 14-16th

Our Teachers & Locations
Leah Bess Murray - Corpus Christi
Kaisen Twitty - Corpus Christi
Yogi Mehtab - Owner of Yoga-Yoga Austin
Terra Volz -South Padre Island
Lavida Jud - South Padre Island
Renee Gongora - Corpus Christi
Flicka Rahn - San Antonio
Agustin Aguerreberry - Panama
Venus Berti - Panama
(Plus a few surprises)
Let's Chat
3442 South Alameda
Corpus Christi, Texas